

EPR at the Heart of NHS Redesign

Electronic patient records (EPRs) are good news for NHS organisations and patients, but recent academic research by the NHS Confederation’s
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New Quality Mark Launched for Health Information

A new website and "Triangle Mark" have been launched by the Centre for Health Information Quality (C-H-i-Q’s) to help raise
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Mobile Health Alliance to Launch in Europe

European healthcare providers, clinicians and technology firms involved in developing mobile healthcare applications and technologies are to be invited to
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NHS Scotland Launches Updated IT Strategy

An updated IT strategy for the NHS in Scotland has been launched which aims to cut the 10m pieces of
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Government Response to Kennedy Throws Spotlight on Information

A new Office of Information on Health Care Performance is to be set up as part of the government response
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UK Government Warms to Open Source Software

The Cabinet Office has published a consultation paper on use of Open Source Software (OSS) within the UK Government sector
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US Alliance to Promote Electronic Medical Records

Leading US doctor, hospital and consumer groups have formed the Patient Safety Institute (PSI), a major new collaborative initiative designed
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Gates Says NHS Must Deliver in Digital Age

It’s not every day that you get to see the richest man in the world, and the gawp factor must
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Computer Motion Recieves $2m Grant for Telesurgery Training

Computer Motion, Inc., the world’s leading developer of surgical robotic systems, has been awarded a $2m research and development grant
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Online Toolkit Aids GP Appraisals

An online toolkit to help GPs through the appraisals process was demonstrated at the EMIS National User Group conference at
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