Patient safety


Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: Improving patient safety with Scan4Safety

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has used a healthcare e-commerce solution since 2002, and in recent years has introduced a
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Advisory Series: Patient Safety

Many believe that technology has a crucial role to play in reducing avoidable harm and bolstering safety in the NHS.
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The ABCs of Mobile Device Management: security essentials for your organisation’s first MDM deployment

Making greater use of mobile technology can offer significant benefits for healthcare organisations. Increased productivity, bolstered patient safety and better
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Suspended NHS signposting app hopes to restart by end of week

A healthcare signposting app and website reportedly suspended over clinical assurance concerns is hoping to resume service by the end
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St George’s closes six buildings ‘not fit for purpose’

St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been forced to close six of its buildings which they recognised as
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St George’s patient record keeping at “extreme” risk

A major London teaching hospital has rated its record keeping at "extreme" risk in its risk register with consequences to
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Incident reporting systems: future strategies for patient safety improvement

James Titcombe, patient safety specialist at Datix, says organisations need to avoid blame culture when it comes to reporting and
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An organisation with a memory: what needs to change?

James Titcombe OBE, Patient Safety Specialist at Datix and patient safety campaigner, looks at some of the key issues involved
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Healthcare IT industry news in brief

This week’s industry round up covers a new acquisition and some software changes that leverage wearable health data. It includes
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Monitor to cast East Kent verdict ‘soon’

Monitor will decide whether to put East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust into special measures in the coming weeks,
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