Northern Ireland


Belfast gets European Connected Health centre

Belfast, Northern Ireland, is to be the home of a new ‘European Centre for Connected Health’, intended to help test
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Altnagelvin hospital system crashes

Altnagelvin Hospital in Londonderry, Northern Ireland was left unable to make bookings for 48 hours last week due to ‘a
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Newgate Technology begins Northern Ireland EPR roll-out

Newgate Technology, a Scottish-based health software and data collection specialist, has won a tender to deploy a regional theatre management
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Patient Opinion website extends across England

Patient Opinion, the independent website founded by a Sheffield GP for recording good and bad comments on hospital care, goes
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Consumer is king in wireless health

More consumer-driven wireless developments are on the horizon as mobile technology enjoys wider adoption in healthcare.
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Nurses ‘losing enthusiasm’ for NHS IT reform

The number of nurses across the UK who believe in the benefits of IT reform in the NHS is falling,
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NI to link barcodes on prescriptions to EPRs

The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland has announced it has signed a £6.8m contract
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Contract success for Ascribe

 Health IT software company Ascribe has announced it has been awarded several new contracts in its pharmacy and primary and
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Junior doctor placement website crashing, BMA warns

The BMA have expressed concern that medical students applying online for their first jobs as junior doctors have been unable to
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QoF results publication reveals quality of care

Practice by practice results for the Quality and Outcome Framework for England are being published today although technical problems have delayed
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