NHS Long Term Plan


All Type 1 diabetes patients eligible for new technology

All patients with Type 1 diabetes will be eligible for new lifechanging technology on the NHS after new guidance was
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NHS England sets out digital priorities in latest planning guidance

NHS England has revealed its digital priorities for the year ahead as part of a larger publication which sets out
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Seven Integrated Care Systems collaborate with ORCHA

Seven integrated care systems have partnered with ORCHA to provide access to quality-assessed digital tools in the south west.
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Digital leaders to work with GP IT suppliers for ‘safe’ prescribing tools

A lack of safe digital prescribing tools could lead to fatal medication errors “linked to poor design of electronic health
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Orcha poll reveals public are willing to embrace digital to help NHS

An ORCHA poll has delved deeper into patients' use of healthcare apps and tech, confirming that Brits are willing to
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Extra funding needed to support digital mental health services, report finds

The £2.3 billion for mental health funding announced in the NHS Long Term Plan is no longer enough to sustain
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Just 1 in 10 outpatient appointments conducted via video, RCP survey finds

The Royal College of Physicians found a low uptake in digital solutions in outpatient appointments, despite 70% of GPs agreeing
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‘Clear pathway’ to training GPs for digital-first primary care, says LIVI

77% of GPs surveyed said they had not received any training on delivering 'digital-first' care to patients, such as the
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More than 100,000 women access records through digital maternity tools

NHS England committed to ensuring digital services replaced clunky paper notes when the Long Term Plan was published in January.
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New toolkit recommends Skype consults to cut hospital admissions

The toolkit could prevent up to 2,500 emergency admissions a year using digital services, saving up to £10 million according
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