

Technology Adoption Likely to be Slow in 2002, say Gartner

Technology advances such as the use of XML, mobile technologies, speech recognition, workflow, business process management and public key infrastructure
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BT to Deliver the Technology for Scotland’s NHS 24

NHS 24, the Scottish version of NHS Direct, has placed a £20.5m contract with BT to provide the telephone communications
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Government Response to Kennedy Throws Spotlight on Information

A new Office of Information on Health Care Performance is to be set up as part of the government response
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Primary Care Organisations at Crossroads on IT

New guidance on information and information systems for primary care organisations produced by the Primary Care Information Modernisation Programme (PCIMP)
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UK Government Warms to Open Source Software

The Cabinet Office has published a consultation paper on use of Open Source Software (OSS) within the UK Government sector
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Gates Says NHS Must Deliver in Digital Age

It’s not every day that you get to see the richest man in the world, and the gawp factor must
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PKI Token System Adopted for Australian Health System

The Australian Health Insurance Commission has awarded a contract to Rainbow eSecurity, a provider of transaction security solutions, to provide Public
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Wanless on Information Technology

The UK health service has a poor record on the use of information and communication technology and spending in this
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IT Standardisation Difficult, but Vital

Achieving the “robust, flexible and standardised” NHS information system envisaged by health secretary, Alan Milburn, will be difficult while the
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NHS Signs Landmark National Software Deal With Microsoft

The NHS has completed a three-year corporate software licensing deal with Microsoft Ltd, which will see all NHS computer users
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