

National Programme Names LSP and NASP Candidates

The National Programme for IT in the NHS has announced a “longlist” of 31 individual firms and consortia who have
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First Anniversary for National IT Programme

Birthday greetings to the NHS National IT Programme! It’s 12 months since a new centrally-driven plan for transforming the NHS
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Medical Records Found on Memory Stick

An incident in which a Cheshire estate agent found a memory stick she had bought contained confidential clinical records has
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Dudley Chooses Siemens for PACS

Siemens Medical Solutions have been awarded the contract to provide the latest imaging and picture archiving and communications system (PACS)
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OJEC Issued for National IT Programme Procurement

The clock has started ticking officially for companies aspiring to take a slice of the new NHS IT business with
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Civica to Implement Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

The NHS has placed an order worth £19.4 million over twelve-months with software and services firm Civica to implement the
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DH Places Advert for Prime Contractors

The UK Department of Health has published an advert in the Official Journal of the European Commission (OJEC) for prime
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The NHS and the IT Industry: Over to You (part 2)

Last week, E-Health Insider published a round-up of comments from readers on the apparent new hard line on suppliers being
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CSW Builds HRI Prototype

CSW Health  has announced that it has developed a Health Records Infrastructure (HRI) prototype for South Staffordshire Healthcare NHS Trust
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Planning Blight Accusation For IT Programme

Over 300 IT suppliers and would-be suppliers to the NHS packed the QE2 Conference Centre in London last week for
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