

Irish blood records stolen in New York

A CD containing over 170,000 confidential blood donor records form the Irish Blood Transfusion Service has been stolen in New
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Gemalto to deliver Slovenia’s smartcard upgrade

Slovenia has chosen Gemalto to help develop its upgrade to their electronic health cards for Slovenian citizens. Gemalto will provide
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GE buys Image Diagnost International

GE Healthcare has acquired German based Image Diagnost International, a provider of IT systems used in the diagnosis of breast
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Helios Clinic Group to introduce doctors’ portal

Germany’s Helios Clinic Group is to introduce a group wide doctors’ portal product called, to be delivered by CompuGroup
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iSoft install HIS for Portugal’s ESSAUDE group

iSoft Spain has installed its x-HIS hospital information system into four health centres and one hospital belonging to Portugal’s Espirito
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IBA Health wins Chinese contracts

Changning District Regional Medical Information Network, China, has awarded Shanghai People’s Health (SPH), 51% owned by IBA Healthcare, a contract
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Two pharmacy PHR projects launched in Germany

Two new pilots are underway to offer pharmacy personal health records (PHRs) in Germany. Both are based on a PHR
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iSoft reaches halfway point on Irish PAS deal

iSoft has reached the halfway point on a £41.5m project to deliver integrated patient management systems to hospitals across Ireland.
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WHO launches online patient safety survey

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is launching an online survey for its Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety to determine the
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SCM card terminal MKT+ certified

SCM Microsystems has received certification for its eHealth100 health card terminal to be used as an MKT+ terminal (multi-functional terminal)
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