

Primary Care Organisations at Crossroads on IT

New guidance on information and information systems for primary care organisations produced by the Primary Care Information Modernisation Programme (PCIMP)
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NHScat-IT Lauched

The NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency has launched a new catalogue of IT and telecommunications products and services for the
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NHS Awaits Treasury Approval of Landmark Microsoft Deal

The Department of Health and NHS Purchasing and Supplies Agency (PASA) have completed negotiations of a critical national software licensing
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Mobile EMIS Moves Closer

The day when any GP or district nurse using EMIS technology will be able to carry patient records and add
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NHS Sets Out Case for Shared Services

The NHS has completed the outline business case (OBC) for an ambitious project to introduce a single national "state of
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PDA Programme Cuts Nursing Paperwork by

A group of American community-based nurses say that using personal digital assistants cuts time spent on their "paperwork" by up
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