

Talking cure

Steve Tocker from Softech Global outlines how voice recognition and digital dictation can be used in the healthcare sector, and
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Tech industry concerned about NICE appraisal cuts

  The Association for British Healthcare Industries (ABHI) has expressed concern that the National Institute for Clinical Excellence’s reduction in
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RFID tags in the NHS could lead to job losses

The introduction of wireless tagging such as RFID technology in the NHS could result in job losses due to the removal
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Live appointment booking cuts waiting times

The introduction of a live patient booking system has resulted in a dramatic reduction of waiting lists and missed appointments
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IT skills need improving to see savings, think tank warns

The Work Foundation has urged caution that the Chancellor’s plans to save money through IT projects in the NHS and in other government
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Granger promises to make PACS ‘deployable’

A promise to deliver at least 50% cuts in the pricing of Picture Archiving and Storage Systems (PACS) and make
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Granger repeats PACS warning

The head of the NHS’ £5bn IT modernisation programme has again warned suppliers of Picture Archiving and Storage Systems (PACS)
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Final Long-List for National Programme Reached

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) in the NHS has reached the latest milestone in the procurement process for Local
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Texting Temps Could Help Trusts Fill Vacant Shifts

Software that enables employers to send text messages to temporary staff needed for shifts has been launched by SkillsFlow. The
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PDA Programme Cuts Nursing Paperwork by

A group of American community-based nurses say that using personal digital assistants cuts time spent on their "paperwork" by up
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