

Government backs pharmacist access to EPR

The government has backed plans for pharmacists to be allowed access to electronic patient records but says the public will
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EMIS seeks 100 pilot practices for patient record access

A patient record access group is looking for 100 EMIS practices to take part in a pioneering project allowing patients
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Information Commissioner to investigate MTAS leak

The Information Commissioner has told the Liberal Democrat’s health spokesperson, Norman Lamb that he will be launching an immediate investigation
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Scottish GPs insist on explicit consent on shared records

  GP practices must remain the data controller for GP records even if databases are held within a hosted environment,
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Cayton says legacy systems could have offered more

England’s NHS National Programme for Information Technology will lead to better patient care but greater emphasis on building on existing
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Welsh health IT ‘Wizards’ set different path to England

The NHS Wales IT agency Informing Healthcare has announced that it has successfully deployed its first system, an out-of-hours GP
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Consider ethical issues of care record, MDU advises

GPs need to consider going beyond implied consent before allowing patient information to be uploaded to the spine, according to
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Privacy GP calls records opt out pledge a ‘decoy’

A GP who has campaigned for patients to secure an opt-out from the NHS Care Records Service (NCRS) is claiming
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Exercising Choice

When Connecting for Health appointed its GP clinical leads two years ago, there were three big issues on the primary
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Unified communications in healthcare

Single, converged networks supporting IP telephony, videoconferencing, video-on-demand and contact centres offer benefits for healthcare that should not be ignored,
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