

Bristol scientists and CliniSys develop IT for newborn screening

Experts working for Severn Pathology at North Bristol NHS Trust have helped to build new modules within its CliniSys lab
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Royal Devon and Exeter select CliniSys for electronic lab results

A pilot of the CliniSys ICE, expected to begin in November, will allow GPs at five practices to order tests
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Barts Health unifies its lab information systems

Barts Health NHS Trust is moving to unify its laboratory information management systems by working with CliniSys to implement WinPath
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IPP picks CliniSys for new path service

Private provider Integrated Pathology Partnerships has picked CliniSys to help deliver a joined up pathology service for two hospital trusts
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Bristol joins up pathology

Three Bristol NHS Trust and Public Health England have signed a contract with Capita and CliniSys for its integrated laboratory
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CliniSys partners with Capita

CliniSys and Capita have formed a strategic partnership to deliver a managed service for pathology.
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Clinisys sold to private equity firm

Laboratory information systems company CliniSys has been sold by ECI Partners to a private equity firm with a 250% return
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Life and LIMS

Good information systems are needed to support the promised transformation of pathology services; but politics and finances are getting in
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Homerton improves GP test access

Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has contracted CliniSys for the implementation of its CyberLab, in a move that will
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Rotherham and Barnsley ASCC procurement

Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust and Barnsley NHS Foundation Trust have become among the first in the country to complete a
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