3 October 2023
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model for predicting mHealth acceptance using diabetes as an example: a cross-sectional validation study
Patrik Schretzlmaier, Achim Hecker and Elske Ammenwerth
Join Patrik Schretzlmaier in discussion with Katie MacLure (BCS Health & Care Scotland) for our live BCS BMJ HCI Journal Club hosted by Digital Health.
This journal club is based on a paper entitled, Extension of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 model for predicting mHealth acceptance using diabetes as an example: a cross-sectional validation study
The authors set out to evaluate the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) model for predicting mHealth acceptance, represented by behavioral intention, based on mobile diabetes applications. They were able to confirm that the newly added constructs “perceived disease threat” and “trust” do predict behavioural intention to use mobile diabetes applications. Further, their research confirmed that the UTAUT2 constructs “performance expectancy” and “habit” to predict behavioural intention to use mobile diabetes applications. However, their results also show that the extended UTAUT2 model could only explain 35.0% of the variance in behavioural intention.