Special report: voice recognition
Can voice recognition make it easier for clinicians to adopt electronic patient records? Fiona Barr
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Can voice recognition make it easier for clinicians to adopt electronic patient records? Fiona Barr
Big data is suddenly a big buzz word. But what is it, how does it
Two rounds of tech fund money have boosted interest in portals. Jennifer Trueman reports.
The end of national digital imaging contracts was an opportunity for trusts to change suppliers
Trusts have a long list of innovations they would like to see in mental health
The government’s health technology funds have invigorated the nursing observations and vital signs markets –
Lyn Whifield looks at the impact of the tech funds on the e-prescribing market and
E-observations are now well established at many trusts, and a priority for those drawing up
Mobile working surely makes sense for mental health, where so much care is delivered in
The roll-out of e-prescribing across the NHS in England is glacially slow; and the sudden
On one reading, everything is in place for all trusts to finally start using PLICS.
How much paper is it worth scanning as part of an electronic document management project?