Special report: mobile
Mobility is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It’s essential if the NHS is to
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Mobility is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It’s essential if the NHS is to
Maternity units have been slow to take up IT, and while that’s changing, it’s only
Mississippi uses data on its whole population for commissioning. Could England move in the same
Vendor neutral archives offer immediate and strategic benefits. Kim Thomas reports.
Are NICE’s new guidelines on safe staffing a major break-through, or the wrong way to
Trusts pursuing a paperless or paper-lite agenda are adding electronic document management strategies to their
The roll-out of blood tracking across the NHS has been slow, but it is gathering
The coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of everyday life, including healthcare. In this Digital
As we head towards integrated care systems (ICSs) gaining statutory status, Claire Read investigates what
With the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) vowing to help improve interoperability in healthcare,
All parts of England have been covered by an Integrated Care System (ICS) since April
As we moved towards a more joined up NHS, does cloud technology hold the key