Mobile messaging platforms: the clinical and regulatory risks explored
It is known that during the pandemic, mainstream consumer messaging apps were used by clinicians, but what happens when activity levels subside?
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It is known that during the pandemic, mainstream consumer messaging apps were used by clinicians, but what happens when activity levels subside?
Our next volunteer is Ronke Adejolu who is the associate CNIO at NHSX as well as a Digital Health CCIO Advisory Panel and Shuri Network
In our latest Industry Spotlight, Vivienne Raper spoke to Cerner’s senior nursing executive, Patience Chinwadzimba, about what she feels lies ahead for digital nursing.
Raj Jain explores why access to NHS diagnostics could have a big impact on equity, waiting times, workforce effectiveness and on NHS recovery post-Covid.
In an exclusive piece for Digital Health, Visiba Care’s UK manager, Tina Marshall, reflects on last month’s NHS Confederation conference and how digitisation can support
With the ever-increasing prominence of digital technologies in healthcare, digital therapeutics (DTx) present a novel
In healthcare, efficient and accessible services are indispensable pillars in ensuring the wellbeing of a
Too often, data collected from wearables and monitoring devices adds to the burden on healthcare
CCIO Martin Farrier used to believe AI would “enhance” us. Lately, he’s been having some
Application programming interfaces (APIs) have a hugely important role to play in the sharing of