Supporting the greater use of data sharing across healthcare
Andrew Davies from the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) explores why there is a need for greater data sharing across healthcare.
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Andrew Davies from the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) explores why there is a need for greater data sharing across healthcare.
Hayley Valentine, a former critical care nurse, explores the challenges ahead for nursing ever larger numbers of patients in their own rooms.
Tracey Cotterill from Civica explores how machine learning can provide the data intelligence needed to deliver better healthcare.
In our last column of 2021, Joe McDonalds reflects on Christmases gone by and why Matt Hancock’s ‘Tech Vision’ cannot be forgotten.
With the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) vowing to help improve interoperability in healthcare, Jennifer Trueland investigates what impact this could have.
In 2016 a CCIO network survey revealed that only 44% of CCIOs had the authority
The UK healthcare sector is in a transformative era, driven by advancements in artificial intelligence
Building a reputation in health tech can take decades, yet it can be undone by
In the wake of reports linking IT flaws to deaths of patients, and the recent
An approach by a BBC journalist has Joe McDonald wondering what it will take to