Making heart disease prevention personal
Bad news about his own health, brought home to Huma’s Dr Mert Aral the urgent need for digital tools to unlock personalised risk assessments.
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Bad news about his own health, brought home to Huma’s Dr Mert Aral the urgent need for digital tools to unlock personalised risk assessments.
Commitments to open-source technology are enshrined in NHS policy but adoption is frustratingly slow. It is time to spread the word on the new way
An excessive focus on innovation may be getting in the way of progress, says Lorraine Foley, from the Professional Record Standards Body.
Suppliers of electronic patient records need to escape siloed thinking, come together and improve what they’re offering to clinicians. By Fiona Dawson, director, Mayden
Jackie France of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust argues that the NHS App is the key to reducing the elective care backlog.
No clinical informatician should work in isolation. Bringing digital midwives into the wider digital team
In the second of our four-part series on effective NMAHP teams, Elaine Tustian looks at
The long-serving CIO at the Royal Free Hospital was known for his inspirational leadership, unstinting
Can the next secretary of state for health and social care find a way to
With a general election looming, Vijay Luthra considers how digital in healthcare has fared under