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How technology can help alleviate the COVID-19 crisis in the United Kingdom


The current coronavirus global pandemic is having a major impact on health systems around the world and here in the UK. Based on what we have seen happening locally as well as in countries such as China, Italy and Spain, our health systems must continue to prepare for the impact of a massively increased patient load, particularly impacting hospitals.

Demand for key items such as intensive care unit (ICU) beds, respirators, ventilators, and personal protective equipment is in danger of greatly exceeding available supply.

The clinical and research communities are working around the clock to better understand the disease and its biology to develop and refine clinical interventions needed to meet this rapidly evolving threat.

This white paper outlines some of the key technology and clinical system approaches that health systems could consider in helping to combat the pandemic and manage an unprecedented threat to sustainability and loss of life.

Read the full case study


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