
What NHS tech and AI really need from the new government

The major parties see a big role for tech in easing pressure on the NHS and improving healthcare. What’s missing
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Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ☕

This edition of Digital Health's Coffee Time Briefing includes positive news on whole genome sequencing and a warning about CGM
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Wandsworth Healthcare, DNV Imatis collaborate to improve patient journey

Wandsworth Healthcare and DNV Imatis have collaborated to help NHS trusts tackle low digital maturity and improve operational efficiency.
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Heriot-Watt University partners with ABHI to advance health tech research

Heriot-Watt University is focusing on accelerating health tech research and development, through a partnership with ABHI.
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No clear NHS digital career pathway, more a ‘career rockface’ says Eccles

Former NHS national CCIO Dr Simon Eccles said that people seeking digital roles in the NHS face a “career rockface”
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AI can help build sustainable services – but only if we mitigate its risks

Concerns about AI should not stop progress. They should prompt us to think about how to apply such powerful processing,
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NHS Wales prepares for drone-based blood transfer service

Aerospace innovators will showcase technology as part of a project to prepare NHS Wales for drone-based services for the transfer
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Plymouth virtual ward occupancy rate over 80% with plans to expand

University Hospitals Plymouth has confirmed that its virtual ward beds are now over 80% occupied, the best occupancy rate in
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Royal Bolton Hospital provides noise-cancelling headphones for patients

Royal Bolton Hospital has introduced noise-cancelling headphones for patients with learning disabilities to help support them in loud and busy
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Leadership: Digital Health Network launches a new ‘state of the nation’ survey of clinical digital leaders

In 2016 a CCIO network survey revealed that only 44% of CCIOs had the authority to carry out their roles
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