NHS England’s digital leaders to front keynote sessions at Rewired 2024
- 13 December 2023

Senior digital leaders from NHS England will be speaking as part of back-to-back keynote sessions on day two of Rewired 2024, which takes place at the NEC Birmingham from 12-13 March.
Dr Vin Diwakar, medical director for transformation in the National Transformation Directorate, will kick off the morning with a keynote speech setting out the national priorities and funding on digital and data as the NHS attempts to tackle record waiting lists and intense pressures in the run up to the General Election.
Diwakar will then join John Quinn, chief information officer and Dr Melanie Iles, national chief clinical information officer for an interactive panel session on digital strategy.
Both sessions will take place on the Digital Leadership and Teams Stage and set the blueprint for digital transformation across the NHS. With a new digital leadership team at NHS England and the NHS certain to be centre stage in the coming General Election the panellists will discuss the key themes of continuity and change in NHS IT and digital health.
The sessions are part of an exciting conference programme packed with original keynotes, inspiring NHS case studies, panel sessions and lively Rewired debates. The programme for the five main stages was published last week revealing new speakers and sessions across Digital Transformation; Integrated Care; Digital leadership and Teams; AI, Analytics and Data; and Digital Nursing, Midwifery, AHPs and Pharmacy.
Recently added speakers include Ming Tang, chief data and analytics Officer for NHS England, Sir Julian Hartley, the CEO of NHS Providers, Prof Jane Eddleston, the joint group medical director at Manchester University NHS FT, Dr Ana Prado, CCIO, Lusiadas Saude Health group & CMIO, Cascais Hospital, Portugal, and Professor Greta Westwood, CEO, Florence Nightingale Foundation. The provisional programme is available here.
Register your place now to make sure you are in the audience to ask questions directly to John Quinn, Vin Diwakar and Melanie Iles. The CPD-accredited conference is free for NHS and public sector. Private sector tickets start from £475 +VAT.