Digital Health Networks Mentoring Programme launches
- 25 October 2023

The Digital Health Networks Mentoring Programme has officially launched to support aspiring, emerging and senior digital leaders seeking personal growth in CCIO, CIO or CNIO equivalent roles, or those in these roles that need ‘refuge’ or supervision.
The mentoring will be carried out by the Digital Health Networks CCIO, CIO and CNIO Advisory Panel members who are passionate about supporting the next generation of digital leaders and believe this is a great way in which to help grow and develop the digital health community.
The group mentoring programme is virtual and takes place over the duration of six months. It is facilitated by each Advisory Panel, with three mentoring programmes running concurrently for those looking to further their careers in CCIO, Health CIO or CNIO roles or similar.
Places are limited, with one member of the advisory panel facilitating a number of mentees each month over this period (the number of mentees per group is dependent on the number of applications received).
The mentoring programme is structured as follows:
- One x 30-minute individual introductory with each successful mentee to gauge current development needs to be addressed as part of the programme.
- Six x 60-minute group sessions which will follow a set structure of pre-planned session themes, to ensure that all mentees receive the same standard of mentoring.
Previous mentees have spoken highly of the programme. Johanna Kelly, CNIO at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust described it was a “wonderful experience” that “provided a safe place to explore our concerns, learn from others and grow as individuals”.
Simon Noel, chair of the CNIO Advisory Panel, said: “The digital health advisory panel mentoring programme provides a fantastic opportunity for those who aspire to be digital leaders or those who simply want to get ahead in digital healthcare.
“The panels provide many years of experience in this speciality, and it will allow you to get the benefit of those who’ve been working in digital roles and have also been active in significant digital change projects in many different settings.”
The benefits of the programme include:
- An independent digital mentoring programme
- Supports emerging digital leaders seeking growth
- Creates a pipeline of talent for the next generation of CCIO, CIO, CNIOs
- Provides exposure to senior leaders within the NHS, their experience, guidance and support
- Provides an opportunity for peer-to-peer learning as well as mentor to mentee advice and guidance
- Increases the networks and connections of emerging digital leaders
- Provides exposure to other opportunities to further career development; both within Trust and externally
Lauren Hoodless, head of networks at Digital Health, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer a mentoring programme, once again, to support digital leaders seeking growth in CCIO, CIO, CNIO and associated roles.
“The programme is open to aspiring, emerging and senior digital leaders who require additional guidance to help them make the next step in their career. This year, the programme will be led by all three Digital Health Advisory Panels and will champion digital leaders within the Networks, offering a safe, nurturing, and guided experience that encourages growth and empowerment.”
She added: “This programme is an incredibly important part of the Digital Health Networks as it not only forges a pipeline of talent for the future CCIO, CIO, and CNIO roles but also opens doors to a world of invaluable connections and peer-to-peer learning for its participants.
“We are excited to see what success stories this year’s mentoring programme provides and look forward to sharing these at Digital Health Summer Schools 2024.”
The review and matching process will be carried out by the chair and vice chairs per Advisory Panel.
CNIO: For emerging digital leaders seeking personal in CNIO, digital nursing, midwifery, AHP roles, equivalent roles, or those in roles that need supervision – Apply here.
CCIO: For emerging digital leaders seeking personal growth in CCIO, CCIO-like roles with a recognised clinical qualification, equivalent roles, or those in roles that need supervision – Apply here.
CIO: For emerging digital leaders seeking personal growth in CIO, CIO-like roles, IT leaders, equivalent roles, or those in roles that need supervision – Apply here.
For further information on the Networks Mentoring Programme, click here.