Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ☕

  • 24 October 2023
Digital Health Coffee Time Briefing ☕

Your morning summary of digital health news, information and events to know about if you want to be “in the know”.

👇 News  

📈 Urologist Matthew Allaway, DO, leader of Urology Associates, is the first doctor in the country to implement an FDA-cleared and AI-powered cancer mapping tool in his practice. The technology, Unfold AI from Avenda Health, increases the accuracy of prostate cancer imaging and gives providers a clearer course of action. This means patients are no longer subject to radical gland removals with lifelong side effects but can be treated right in their urologist’s office as an outpatient under local anaesthesia. 

🎓 A ground-breaking university and NHS collaboration is increasing north Cumbria’s physiotherapy capacity. The University of Cumbria, in partnership with North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, has opened a new NHS musculo-skeletal physiotherapy (MSK) outpatient clinic on the site of its Fusehill Street campus. The clinic is the first of its kind where students are supported to treat physiotherapy out-patients referred through the NHS to a university-based clinic.  

📝 Participants in several educational courses and workshops run by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) will have access to the latest advances in thoracic and pulmonary imaging technology thanks to the Society’s partnership with leading global biomedical equipment provider, Esaote. The three-year partnership sees Esaote supply its state-of-the-art thoracic ultrasound devices for the ERS Thoracic Ultrasound (TUS) training programme, including regional courses due to take place in Denmark, the Netherlands and the UK. 

🆕 NHS Property Services has announced the appointment of Richard Fitzsimmons as its new head of data and intelligence. Appointed in 2019 as operations business intelligence lead at the government-owned property organisation, Fitzsimmons will shape NHSPS’ data and intelligence strategy and promote the use of assured and quality analytics for data-driven decision making. 

🤑 Health technology companies in West Yorkshire will be able to bid for funding of up to £1m to help develop life-changing medical innovations for use in the NHS and across the world. Due to the emerging strengths of the region’s £5bn health technology sector, Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin has secured £7.5m of new investment. Funding will be distributed to businesses which can demonstrate they will have a positive impact on patient care through an innovative new medical, diagnostic or digital health solution. 

Did you know that? 

The Business Research Company released their Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Clinical Trials Market Analysis 2023-2027 report, indicating the clinical trials market is undergoing an extraordinary transformation with a projected growth from $1.19 billion in 2022 to $1.52 billion in 2023. 

📖 What we’re reading 

The PRSB’S Nursing Care Needs Standard The PRSB worked with the NHS and social care to create a new nursing standard for use across different health and social care settings. 

🚨 This week’s events 

25 October, in London, Wandsworth Halloween Beer & Cider Festival 2023 

26 October, in London, Healthtech Entrepreneurship Panel 

27 October, in London, International Conference on Telerobotic Surgery and Surgery Procedures (ICTSSP)  

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