Person Centred Software connects care homes to London Care Record
- 16 March 2023

Person Centred Software is piloting a first-of-its-kind approach to integrating health and social care services, which is making the London Care Record more widely accessible.
The company has teamed up with OneLondon and the NHS London Region Digital Social Care team to help care homes in London connect to the London Care Record, so they’re supported to provide the best possible care to their residents.
This is the first time that care homes in the region have been able to access the joined-up, secure view of a person’s health and care information. Being able to access the information at any time when they need it is helping ensure doctors, nurses and other health and social care professionals are involved in a resident’s care. In turn this leads to better, safer and more informed decision-making.
The London Care Record is speeding up communication between care professionals, leading to improvements in the safety and quality of care. Health professionals are able to access a range of information such as GP records, diagnoses, allergies and more. It is enabled by a network of health information exchanges (HIEs), which join up data safely and securely.
London-based care home providers working with Person Centre Software are being connected to the London Care Record during a trial period.
Andrew Coles, CEO of Person Centred Software, said: “We hope that piloting our latest innovative approach will help to speed up communication between care professionals and help care home staff to provide the most effective care possible.
“All in all, we see the partnership as a vital step in improving the overall quality of care within the sector while showcasing our confidence in continuing to push the boundaries of care with greater accountability and better outcomes for UK residents.”
The pilot follows on from Person Centred Software launching its GP Connect integration. Similar to the London Care Record, this integration helps improve clinical decision-making and facilitate better patient outcomes.
Earlier this year Person Centred Software launched Smart Cups, an innovation that continuously monitors fluid intake.