
Milton Keynes University Hospital receives GDE accreditation

Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust has been awarded Global Digital Exemplar status in recognition of its digitally advanced
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Preventing relapse after cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with personalised smart messaging

Dr Sam Malins has led a number of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) group programmes for people who have experienced cancer
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NHS Providers guide looks at how to boost board member’s confidence in digital

NHS Providers has published its fifth guide in a series of briefings designed to aid NHS leaders with their digital
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Industry news in brief

The Digital Health News industry round-up includes a US project for ORCHA and news of System C completing its Commissioning
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Digital Health Rewired Pitchfest 2022 finalist profile: Healthtech 1

We speak to Rewired Pitchfest finalists Healthtech 1 - a start-up which aims to automate as many primary care administration
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Draft standards and interoperability strategy is published

A draft standards and interoperability strategy has been published with the aim of driving interoperability across the NHS and social
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After Ockenden, we need better data to prevent further harm

Dr Mark Ratnarajah, a practising paediatrician, reflects on what real-time data should support a culture of shared learning following the
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Get your nominations in for the 2022 Digital Health Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Digital Health Awards which celebrate the digital achievements of NHS IT leaders over
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Matthew Gould leaves NHS England and Improvement

The former CEO of NHSX, Matthew Gould, left NHS England and Improvement at the end of April 2022, Digital Health
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Digital features in King’s College Hospital’s yearly action plan

King's College has unveiled its action plan for the year ahead, which will help tackle waiting lists with digital tools
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