Voting opens for Digital Health Network Advisory Panel elections

  • 7 June 2021
Voting opens for Digital Health Network Advisory Panel elections

Members of the Digital Health Networks can now decide the future members of the Advisory Panels as voting is now open.

Twelve members of the CCIO/CIO/CNIO Leaders Network Advisory Panel will be elected, with the winners announced at Digital Health Summer Schools on 15-16 July 2021.

The Advisory Panel sets the priorities and direction for the CCIO/CIO/CNIO Network and elects the CCIO/CIO/CNIO chair and vice chair to represent the network nationally.

The list of full candidates, including their bios and manifestos, can be found here:

You can find out more about the candidates during this week’s online hustings. Each candidate will have 60 seconds for their virtual stump speech to introduce themselves and tell you why they want to be part of the panel. We’ll then open the hustings for questions from the audience.

To attend, please register using the below:

  • CCIO Advisory Panel Election Husting: 10th June, 5pm – 6pm: REGISTER HERE
  • CIO Advisory Panel Election Husting: 9th June, 5pm – 6pm: REGISTER HERE
  • CNIO Advisory Panel Election Husting: 8th June, 5pm – 6pm: REGISTER HERE

The voting links are:

You have until June 28 to cast your vote.

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