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Hosted by Jordan Sollof

Jordan Sollof

Digital Health Unplugged covers all things health technology and NHS IT. Hosted by Digital Health's news reporter Jordan Sollof, the podcast delves into key issues and news stories in the sector. It also shines a light on the great work taking place from members of the Digital Health CIO, CCIO and CNIO Networks.

Digital Health Unplugged: Health tech through the Rainbow lens

The latest episode of Digital Health Unplugged is now live – this time we take a look at Queertech and why it’s needed in the NHS.

Queertech encompasses digital health tools that are designed to be inclusive of the LGBT+ community – both new tools and technology that’s been around for a while.

Tune in to hear from:

  • Brett Hatfield, NHS Navigator at the accelerator DigitalHealth.London
  • Mathew Watt, Senior Delivery Manager of Innovation, NHSX
  • Lizzie Streeter, National LGBT programme manager at NHSE
  • Paul Gavin, Deputy Director of health inequalities at NHSE

In the episode we take a look at how technology can be more inclusive, including being gender neutral and recognising that many people identify between the spectrum of male and female. LGBT+ data collection is also essential for technology and service planning – “If you don’t count us we don’t count”, Streeter explains.

Hatfield recently wrote a feature for Digital Health on Queertech: Procuring with Pride – you can read the piece here.

Digital Health Unplugged is published fortnightly on Spotify, iTunes and Apple Podcasts. Follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest news.

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