
Northern Ireland ECR – 5 years transforming care

As staff at Health and Social Care Northern Ireland (HSCNI) surveyed a landscape of disparate clinical systems, they harboured a
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Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust deploys speech recognition tool

Through Dragon Medial One, clinicians can enter their notes into the electronic patient record at the point of care, create
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Davey Winder: NHS cybersecurity needs to be less Captain Picard, more Locutus of Borg

Matt Hancock's musings on the importance of prevention for the nation's health have got our expert columnist Davey Winder dreaming
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Royal Free: ‘No changes to data-sharing’ as Google absorbs Streams

Royal Free London has confirmed that there will be no changes to its data-sharing agreement with DeepMind as Google takes
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Nine demonstrator projects to be established as part of One London

Areas of focus include urgent and end-of-life care, diagnostics, radiology and pathology diagnostics, stroke prevention and improving health in the
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Orion labels 2018 ‘key year’ at annual customer conference

Orion Health underlined its commitment to driving forward interoperability the UK and Ireland during its annual customer conference in Birmingham.
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Rewired adds London CIO Council as latest partner

Digital Health Rewired is the two-day conference and one-day exhibition focused on integrating health and care through the use of
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Malaria-detecting technology scoops James Dyson Award runner-up prize

A team from the Netherlands developed the technology called Excelscope 2.0 which aims to reduce workload of medical staff in
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Healthcare innovators encouraged to apply for piece of 300k funding

Applications are now open for the Momentum Fund, which was set up to support innovations in the Greater Manchester area.
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The London-based startup aiming for one billion patients

With a series of acquisitions, a collaboration with a US university, and a formal partnership with a Chinese AI firm,
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