Digital Health partners with RCP’s Health Informatics Unit

  • 4 October 2018
Digital Health partners with RCP’s Health Informatics Unit

Digital Health has partnered up with the Health Informatics Unit (HIU) of the Royal College of Physicians to support the promotion of technology to improve the delivery of safe care, clinical leadership in technology initiatives and professionalisation of health informatics.

The partnership will focus on bringing clinical informaticians together to learn and drive forward developments in clinical leadership and implementation of new and safe technologies, initially at Digital Health’s new Rewired Summit and Conference and the popular Summer Schools events.

Digital Health Rewired is the new must-attend two-day conference and one-day exhibition taking place on 25-26 March 2019 at London Olympia, that will connect health IT leaders and professionals with the latest disruptive digital health innovations.

In addition to events, the HIU will work closely with Digital Health’s CCIO, CIO and CNIO Leadership Networks, enabling members to access and benefit from HIU’s guidance around standards, interoperability and professionalisation and provide a platform for them to engage and input into future workstreams.

The HIU’s programme manager, Jan Hoogewerf will join the CCIO Advisory Panel which provides the governance, strategy and direction for the CCIO network, which is dedicated to promoting the development of CCIOs across the NHS, greater collaboration and best practice.

Hoogewerf said: “The partnership with Digital Health provides an ideal platform to engage with a fast-growing and active group of clinical informaticians within the Digital Health Networks and across their strong events programme.

As part of the partnership, Hoogewerf has joined the Digital Health Rewired Programme Board to support the development of a series of dynamic and interactive presentations and discussions across four streams: AI and Analytics, Clinical Software, Cloud and Mobile, and Cyber Security, all linked to a central theme of integrating care.

Hoogewerf continued: “Having produced guidance on using new technologies for clinical practice, we fully support Digital Health Rewired’s objective of promoting transformational use of technology and new ways of working to deliver integrated health and care. This is simply a must-attend event for informaticians looking to overcome challenges in safely adopting disruptive technologies into their organisations.”

Day one of Rewired, 25 March, will begin with the fourth edition of the Digital Health Leadership Summit, which brings together health CCIOs, CIOs, CNIOs and C-suite colleagues to address the leadership challenges of digital transformation.

Day two of Rewired, 26 March, will be devoted to the brand new Digital Health Rewired Expo, an integrated conference and exhibition, that will showcase some of the very best local and national work of digital trailblazers in health and care.

As part of its strategy to support the digitisation of health services, Digital Health has already worked closely with the BCS to develop current and future digital leaders, and promoted the development and adoption of standards amongst health and social care leaders through a collaboration with the PRSB over the past year and continues these collaborations into Digital Health Rewired.

Jon Hoeksma, CEO of Digital Health said: “Digital Health Rewired will be the most exciting show dedicated to helping connect NHS IT leaders with the latest innovations in digital health.

“The RCP’s HIU is one of the key organisations leading the development of clinical health informatics, they were a key partner in the development of CCIOs [Chief Clinical Information Officer} and we look forward to working with them again.

Digital Health Rewired is FREE or everyone from NHS, public sector, independent providers, charities and education sectors. You can register here.

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  • I agree. Start with the problem, identify how it can be solved, choose the tool or process to best solve it.

  • Terry is correct, technology assists process and people rather than forcing changes to them.
    We’ve got technology wrong several times, in most cases due to limitations of tech but now we can enhance people+process.
    We may need to get back to basics on some of these and rethink them.

  • Terry is correct.

    The overwhelming focus on process rather than outcomes has meant that a lot of expensive but pointless work has been done.

    This is where industry can help bring some focus to the conversation, and deliver things people want to buy, rather than the usual gold-plated white elephants.

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