
Data ‘fundamentally broken’ at St George’s

The south west London trust is concerned about patient safety as it outlines issues with unreliable data, fragile IT infrastructure
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Problems accessing Google on NHS network

NHS staff are having difficulty accessing Google, with many faced with a CAPTCHA page.
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Man wrongly arrested for prescription fraud after IT bungle

The Brighton man expected to walk out of the pharmacy with his medicine. Instead he walked out with a police
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Ransomware attack blamed on misconfigured firewall

The virus that shut Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust for four days likely exploited a misconfigured firewall, report
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North Midlands deploys Medway EPR

The University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust has gone live with System C’s Medway v4.6 electronic patient record, merging
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Redcentric wins £12 million HSCN contract

The new NHS network is taking shape, with Redcentric awarded a contract to run the peer exchange at the centre
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Jam tomorrow for the NHS Digital JAMs

The JAMs was a term coined to describe squeezed middle income families, struggling to get by. Cloud2 director Simon Hudson
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Move to implement patient ‘data lake’ scheme

After meeting with NHS data experts and tech companies, NHS England chief information officer Will Smart wants to push on
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Exclusive: 500m emails flood NHS during #replyallgate

More NHSmail emails were sent in 75 minutes than in a normal three months after a “software configuration error” nearly
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Mobile and app news in brief

This week's app round-up is preoccupied with overflowing emergency departments and whether an app can be used to convince patients
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