
HSCIC discusses Care Bill info challenge

The Care Bill will bring several informatics challenges, including higher data standards and increased use of the NHS Number, according
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Sealed with a KIS

The team behind Scotland’s Key Information Summary won the 2013 EHI Award for ‘excellence in major healthcare IT development’. Daloni
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Northumbria live with Silverlink

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has gone live with its Silverlink patient administration system.
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HSCIC takes NHS Direct services

The Health and Social Care Information Centre will take over some NHS Direct services, such as online symptom checkers, from
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South west trusts reap PACS benefits

Five trusts in the South West of England are beginning to reap the benefits of a new Insignia picture archiving
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Derby manages winter pressures

Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has implemented an ExtraMed inpatient flow manager system from Hospedia to help manage winter bed
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Practices ‘locked out’ of CQRS

GP practices have been unable to enter ‘enhanced service’ information into the tool for calculating their payments after being left
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CCIO network launches 12-point plan

The CCIO Leaders Network has released a Vision and 12-point plan for chief clinical information officers, to improve the quality
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Joe’s view: of a Vision and 12-point plan for CCIOs

Joe McDonald explains why the CCIO Leaders Network is launching a new vision for chief clinical information officers and a
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Kingston ‘let down’ by BT

Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust did not go-live with Cerner e-prescribing and clinical documentation last year after BT failed to
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