
Last 111 sites live in February

The last NHS 111 sites are due to go live with the service in February 2014, nearly a year after
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Southampton upgrades wi-fi

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust is upgrading its wireless infrastructure to support a roll-out of mobile clinical applications across
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£50m of tech fund rolled over

Around £50m of the ‘Safer Hospitals, Safer Wards: Technology Fund' will be rolled over into ‘tech fund 2’ because projects
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Barts clinicians view GP data in Cerner

Barts Health NHS Trust is using Cerner’s Health Information Exchange to view a summary of patients’ GP records, embedded within
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The Exchange Factor

Barts Health NHS Trust is the first in the country to use Cerner’s Health Information Exchange to view GP patient
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NHS data ‘useful but hard to collect’

Clinicians think that two thirds of data collections in the NHS are useful and relevant to patient care, but a
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Transform care with technology – Stevens

The healthcare industry needs to take advantage of technology and innovation to transform the way care is delivered, says Simon
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Enter the CCG

It’s nearly the festive season. And John Lockley has a present for CCIO Leaders Network readers; a string of pearls
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First cut of VistA for NHS developed

Two US companies have worked with UK open source experts to create a ‘first cut’ of an anglicised version of
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Chicago, Now!

EHI Imaging Informatics editor Kim Thomas selects some of the highlights of the RSNA annual meeting that took place in
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