Graphnet portal picks up EMIS Web data

  • 16 August 2012
Graphnet portal picks up EMIS Web data
Emis Health has announced a move to open up its systems to third parties who conform to a published set of application programme interfaces.

Graphnet has successfully trialled extracting data from EMIS Web practices for inclusion in its Gateway clinical portal.

Gateway allows clinicians working in secondary care and other areas to view their patient’s GP record at the point of care.

Graphnet already has agreements to extract data from practices using iSoft, INPS and Microtest systems as well as other EMIS systems and is in talks with TPP.

The new integration means NHS organisations with Graphnet’s web-based portal will now be able to view Read Code data from practices using EMIS Web.

Graphnet associate director of programmes Nigel Meehan said Gateway is in use in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Hampshire and London, amongst other places.

“It’s helps clinicians make informed decisions when treating patients by giving them access to information they wouldn’t normally get access to – it helps paint that bigger picture,” he explained.

Data sharing agreements are arranged locally between different service providers and include GPs being able to view hospital information about their patients or community clinics sharing records between different clinical system users.

Talks are also taking place to give access to and extract data from mental health, community and social care providers, to create a complete patient view.

Patients are identified via their NHS Number and only clinicians involved in their care can access their information.

Meehan said the demand for portal solutions has grown since the end of the National Programme for IT in the NHS.

He added that the integration with EMIS Web is important as about 750 GP practices already use Web and many more are transitioning to the new system.

Previously, those practices that had been using another EMIS system and had a data sharing agreement in place, had their feed stopped when they transferred to Web.

In the pilot, Graphnet used the EMIS patient data extract service to enable nightly extracts from EMIS Web GP practices in Birmingham to provide data feeds to repositories and data warehouses.

The front-end data comparison proved a success and both companies have now completed back end data quality checks for an array of conditions, allergies and medication.

Dr Shaun O’Hanlon, EMIS clinical and development director, said the company is “delighted” that Graphnet is the first supplier to integrate with its data extract service.


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