Salford Software does nine trust deal

  • 19 January 2011
Salford Software does nine trust deal

Nine trusts and primary care trusts across Cumbria and Lancashire have collaboratively chosen Salford Software to deploy a single identity management solution as part of an existing and mature Active Directory deployment.

The solution will manage the identity of 40,000 users and will be implemented at no cost to the trusts under an Enterprise wide Agreement signed between Novell and NHS Connecting for Health.

The intention is to help the trusts to improve efficiency and reduce costs by automating the staff starters, movers and leavers’ process, and to improve security by restricting access to sensitive information such as patient data.

This solution has been designed to be scalable so that that further trusts can be included later, providing a single identity repository across the region.

"In these times of austerity, public sector organisations are looking to reduce costs. By making these systems more efficient, the impact of an identity management solution can be rapid,” said Gus Hartley, programme lead (ICT Infrastructure), NHS North West.

“At the same time, [this solution will be making] internal systems more secure and identity [will be] driven across the trusts.

"The new identity management system will help to ensure that those employees accessing sensitive patient data do so based upon their identity and access rights. It will make the trusts compliant with security directives issued by the government and highlighted by audit and information governance requirements."

James Doggart, managing director, Salford Software, added: "We have successfully delivered the rapid implementation of identity management to a number of trusts across the UK.

“It’s great to see that these trusts in Cumbria and Lancashire will also now benefit from improved efficiencies, security and compliance.”

The trusts included in the deal include: Blackburn with Darwen Teaching Care Trust Plus, NHS East Lancashire, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, NHS Central Lancashire, Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust and Blackpool Fylde and Wyre Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

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