EHI’s industry round-up 01.10.2010

  • 1 October 2010

Derby NHS Trust gets EDS from Sunquest ICE

Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has signed a deal with Sunquest ICE so it can use its electronic discharge summary solution across NHS Derby City and NHS Derbyshire County. ICE allows medical staff to compile discharge letters and then dispatch them electronically to GPs. The trusts has been working with Sunquest on a pathology messaging implementation project, so much of the underlying configuration was already in place.

Salisbury upgrades SMART e rostering system

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust has upgraded to SMART’s RosterPro Central from SMART’s R Bank to improve its management of permanent staff and reduce reliance on temporary bank and agency staffing. Through an Electronic Staff Record interface, the system enables monitoring of sickness and absence, annual leave planning, and automated payroll and timesheets. It can also provide monitoring of nurse registration, Working Time Regulation hour’s compliance and use of agency staff.

Panasonic Toughbook for BT Mobile Health Worker

BT has announced that the Panasonic Toughbook CF-C1 will be a key component of its Mobile Health Worker Solution. The notebook, which can be used in clamshell or tablet form, was designed with feedback from the NHS, and comes with 3G, wi-fi and Bluetooth connectivity for transmitting data. The Mobile Health Worker solution has already been adopted by NHS Yorkshire and the Humber, which is looking to it to drive efficiency and best practice, and the Toughbook has been well received by its local health organisations.

Msoft launches blood traking on iPad

MSoft says it is in discussions with a number of trusts to allow them to track the supply of blood to patients via Apple’s iPad. Until now, staff have had to use more traditional handheld devices or a computer on wheels. MSoft managing director Matt McAlister said: “In a short space of time, the iPad has become a must have device for both domestic and commercial users – and with rumours of an iPad mini being launched in time for Christmas, demand is only likely to increase.” MSoft has won a series of new contracts to provide blood tracking security systems to NHS hospitals, including Liverpool, Chester and Lincoln.

Ardentia updates Theatre Performance Module

Ardentia has introduced an updated version of its Theatre Performance Module, which is designed to help NHS managers and clinicians improve the utilisation of operating theatres. Steve Taylor, sales and marketing manager at Ardentia, said it could help to identify late starts, early finishes and cancellations and the reasons for them – so reducing inefficiency and waste and improving patient care. The module is built on Ardentia’s HealthWare performance management solution.

2e2 partners with MedeAnalytics

2e2 has announced a partnership with MedeAnalytics to deliver a web-based, managed analytics platform to the healthcare market to assist with the analysis of clinical, operational and financial data. The partnership supports 2e2’s recent framework agreement award for IT Managed Services from Buying Solutions. MedeAnalytics delivers hosted healthcare performance analytics using a Software-as-a-Service model, which will be hosted within 2e2’s dedicated data centres.

PublicHealthMaps launches

A new company – – has been launched to offer NHS organisations a web-based application that enables users to create maps showing links between health and geographical location, using pre-loaded data sets or their own information. The company says its maps are easy to create and export. It has been piloting its software with one NHS primary care trust, and is now offering anybody with an NHS email account a two month free trial.

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