Clinical Solutions partners with Fujitsu in Spain

  • 20 March 2009

Fujitsu and Clinical Solutions have announced a partnership to improve access to healthcare advice and services in Spain.

Under the new partnership the two firms will work together on projects designed to improve the delivery of quality healthcare through the use of intelligent systems and data analysis.

Areas of joint work will focus on the efficient use of management resources and appropriate use of emergency, urgent and primary health care services.

Although details of projects have yet to be announced a spokesperson for Clinical Solutions told E-Health Europe said that there are several ideas in the pipeline believed to focus on regional and national emergency planning.

“There is a good deal of interest in our new InterfleCS product range. Fujitsu and Clinical solutions have recently met with health ministers of six of the largest regions of Spain and have all expressed an interest and see the benefits of implementation,” a spokesperson told EHE.

Clinical Solutions says it has partnered with Fujitsu due to the firm’s strong high-level relationships within the Spanish healthcare sector and their capability to deliver large healthcare projects.

Fujitsu is already active in the Spanish healthcare sector. It recently designed and built an Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) medication tracking system to improve patient safety at The General University Hospital Gregorio Marañón in psychiatry, children’s and transplant wards.

Richard Craven, director at Clinical Solutions said: “This is an exciting opportunity for us to expand our presence in Europe and use our experience, in collaboration with Fujistu Services, to demonstrate the benefits of technology as a means of improving healthcare.”

Jose Maria Moyano, director of health services at Fujistu said: “The partnership with Clinical Solutions underpins Fujitsu services’ strategy in Spain, providing innovative healthcare solutions which have already been proven in other countries.”

Clinical solutions already has customers in Norway, Portugal, Scotland, Wales and England, ranging from government services covering the whole nation to private customers.

Craven told EHE: “We’ve also had great interest elsewhere in the world. We’re looking into projects in Singapore, Hong-Kong, Australia, Washington, and San Diego and also with corporate organisations that are realising the impact our tools can have on their business.”

Clinical Solutions recently launched their InterfleCS Health Watch tool in the UK to help governments with symptom assessment, health information and public health incident management during a flu pandemic.

The tool has been adopted by NHS Direct and the Department of Health to deliver a multi-channel National Pandemic Flu Line Service to the entire UK population.


Portugal launches health advice helpline

Planning for Flu Pandemic


Clinical Solutions




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