
Watchdog calls for safety culture

The Healthcare Commission has urged the NHS to generate better comparative information on safe care and outcomes and to set
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Nuance and GE complete RIS-SpeechMagic integration

Nuance Communications has successfully integrated its SpeechMagic technology into GE Healthcare Centricity Radiology Information System (RIS). The development is said
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Report urges tech support for public health

The NHS needs to make more use of advanced technologies if it is to successfully tackle the nation’s unhealthy lifestyles,
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Insider view: Jon Hoeksma

E-Health Insider editor Jon Hoeksma on the Operating Framework and the future of the National Programme.
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Shake up in Informatics Planning

Local health communities have been instructed to move towards “information-led rather than service-led planning” and to create new structures to
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Perfect vision for health informatics

Representatives of international and regional e-health advocacy groups are meeting this week to agree plans for building “capacity” in the
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Informatics Planning Guidance for primary care

Local health communities must fix a two-year timeline for the full roll-out of the NHS Summary Care Record and move
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Operating Framework stresses savings and Darzi

NHS organisations have been told to sort out their finances in preparation for making “very substantial efficiency savings” in 2010-11,
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Digital Healthcare raises £2.6m funding

Digital Healthcare, a UK software company specialising in image management and storage solutions for the ophthalmology sector, has successfully raised
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Keogh promotes use of the NHS Number

Professor Sir Bruce Keogh has written to all NHS chief executives and medical directors to promote wider use of the
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