Consultation begins on national GP data extraction

  • 2 June 2008

The Information Centre has announced it is beginning consultations with stakeholders for a new data extraction system that will record and analyse local GP activities to improve patient care and target NHS resources more effectively.

GP extraction service (GPES) will be a centrally-managed primary care data extraction and analysis tool which will obtain information from all NHS GP practices in England.

The consultation with stakeholders is being led by the NHS Information Centre and NHS Connecting for Health with a view to procuring the new system.

Tim Straughan, chief executive of the NHS Information Centre, said: “GPES will provide very real benefits for patients. We are however aware of the importance of ensuring the system integrates seamlessly with existing GP databases and we take extremely seriously the need to protect the confidentiality of patient data.”

Straughan added: “Safeguards and information governance arrangements are being put into place to ensure that any extracted data is only used for the pre-declared intended purpose. We will continue to consult and inform the GPC, RCGP and the GP Joint IT Committee about future progress and work with them to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place.”

The IC Says that GPES will deliver benefits to patients and the NHS by significantly increasing the accessibility and availability of primary care data to support the commissioning of local care services to secure health improvements and address inequalities

GPES will also help to improve national and local public health surveillance to target areas of need, and improve the coverage and quality of current primary care audits, and inform the future allocation of resources.

An IC spokesperson added: “Overall, such as system should help to improve the efficiency and outcomes of patient care, and reduce the cost of current and proposed data extractions, better managing extracts so that there is no disruption to the primary use of clinical systems. It should also save GP’s time by lessening current administrative burdens.”

A two phase approach to GPES is envisaged. In phase one, GPES will be used by the NHS Information Centre to provide census extracts for the DH and for arms length bodies such as the Health Protection Agency.

These extracts will serve to meet a range of needs, including disease surveillance, clinical audit and support for commissioning patient services.

In phase two, GPES may be made available to recognised NHS bodies, including strategic health authorities, primary care trusts and practice-based commissioning groups, so they can obtain local data extracts to address specific local issues.

It will operate under strict principles laid out by the IC. All extracts will need the prior approval of an independent advisory board that will include patient representatives and representatives from the GP professional bodies. Data extracts will also be subject to ethical approval.

Each general practitioner will be able to view the results of each extraction from their clinical system, and individual GPs will be offered the opportunity to opt out of each extraction.

The purpose for which data will be used is to be determined at the outset for each extraction, and will be subject to the approvals process. The data will not be released for any other purpose. A limit will also be set on the length of time that the data is retained.

Gordon Hextall, chief operating officer at NHS Connecting for Health, said: "NHS Connecting for Health is pleased to be working in partnership with the NHS Information Centre and the Department of Health on this important project.

“The General Practice extraction service is a valid project and we are confident that working together, we can help develop a system that is safe, secure and of great value to GPs, their patients and the NHS as a whole.”



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