
First Databank Europe sponsored feature

E-Health Insider is pleased to join forces with First DataBank Europe for this feature focusing on clinical decision support, exploring
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CSC Alliance told to make switch on PACS/RIS

New suppliers look highly likely to be brought in an effort to sort out the mired Picture Archiving and Communications
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GP says C+B not economic for his practice

A GP has claimed the newly-announced incentives on offer for Choose and Book will still make it uneconomical for his
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Mobile Technology Special Report

E-Health Insider looks at new and exisiting trends in mobile technology in healthcare; how much mobile technology is being used
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PCT reorganisation unsettles IT community

The NHS IT community has echoed the House of Commons health select committee’s criticism of the government’s latest reorganisation of PCTs, expressing unease
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Hospitals trial online complaint resolution

An electronic dispute resolution system for patients, which allows parties to come to agreement online using electronic templates, is currently
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Warning on patient data from medicines reviews

Pharmacists are being warned not to e-mail medicines use reviews to GPs until concerns over confidentiality have been addressed. The
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Furore over Patriot Act power to seize records

Doctors in the US have reacted angrily to news that patients’ medical records could be seized for investigation without warrant
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Traffic doubles on new NHS24 website

The Scottish health helpline NHS24 has set up a new-look website with health advice and doubled the number of hits
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C+B certificate granted for MedWay PAS

Healthcare systems and solutions specialists, System C, has achieved Choose and Book compliance certification from NHS Connecting for Health for
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