
National Programme to sign first contract

Tomorrow morning Secretary of State for Health John Reid and NHS IT director-general Richard Granger will announce that SchlumbergerSema offering
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Hull-York students learn with virtual patients

Students at the Hull-York Medical School have become the first in England to incorporate the use of online virtual patients
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NPfIT launches patient and clinician advisory groups

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) has launched two new consultative groups to help shape the future direction of the
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Missing IT Funds Threaten GP Contract

One of the BMA’s leaders on IT issues has warned that the new GP contract is at risk unless the
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First LSP Contract Award Dates Slip

The National Programme for IT (NPfIT) in the NHS has confirmed that deadlines have slipped for the award of the
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Reader Comment: ‘NPfIT Viewed from Scotland’

The following ‘reader comment’ was supplied in response to recent E-Health Insider reports on the development of the National Programme for
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ETP Pilots Evaluation Challenged

One of the three consortia set up to test electronic transmission of prescriptions (ETP) says an official evaluation does not
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UK Doctors Still ‘Out of Office’ to Patients Online

Email may be the most powerful new communications tool since the telephone. But despite its clear potential in health, the
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Schlumberger to Sell SchlumbergerSema to Atos Origin

The announcement this week that Schlumberger Limited will sell the majority of its SchlumbergerSema business to Atos Origin, will see
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US Medical Insurance Group to Subsidise PDA Software

A US physician liability insurance organisation, MedAmerica Mutual Risk Retention Group, is to offer its members a subsidy towards the
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