
Lockheed Martin To Build Canadian Forces Health System

Lockheed Martin has won a CAN$17m (£6.8m) contract to build an advanced healthcare information system for the Canadian Forces. The
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Dudley Chooses Siemens for PACS

Siemens Medical Solutions have been awarded the contract to provide the latest imaging and picture archiving and communications system (PACS)
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Conservatives Detect Panic on Healthcare IT

A Conservative health spokesperson has told E-Health Insider that he is worried the NHS National Programme for IT is too
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Optimum HealthWare Wins North Cheshire Contract

North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust has awarded a contract to Optimum HealthWare for its MultiVue patient indexing tool to provide
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Kaiser Permanente Aims for E-Health within Three Years

Kaiser Permanente, the second biggest integrated health delivery organisation in the US, has announced that it will invest $1.8 billion
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OJEC Issued for National IT Programme Procurement

The clock has started ticking officially for companies aspiring to take a slice of the new NHS IT business with
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Innovative System for Enabling IT Access for Students

A London mental health trust has set up an innovative system for allowing nursing students to have access to patient
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Portsmouth Predicts Savings from Clinical Workflow System

Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust has announced it has implemented an XML-based clinical workflow system, which it anticipates will help support
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Under 16s Database Recommendation from Climbie Inquiry

A recommendation that the government should actively explore the benefit to children of setting up a database on all under
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From Barclay’s to Blood Splashes

What do computer programmers have in common with hospital doctors? They both get asked for advice at parties, according to
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