
Record Turnout for SW Informatics Network

A record turnout for the NHS South West Informatics Learning Network’s annual conference was attributed by organisers to a rising
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Tablet PC Vs PDA – The Debate Continues (Part 3)

Over the past month E-Health Insider readers have debated the relative merits of PDAs and Tablet PCs in healthcare. This
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IT Managers Reveal Fears About National Programme

A survey of NHS IT managers reveals concerns about their ability to carry through the reforms of the National Programme
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ISoft and Torex Announce Merger Plans

iSoft and Torex, two of the UK’s leading health IT firms announced this week that they intended to merge to
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Long Term Approach to IT Reform for NHS Wales

A long term commitment to transforming healthcare using information and IT is outlined in NHS Wales’ new strategy, Informing Healthcare.
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Clinician Involvement Essential in IT Planning Says BMJ

The essential importance of involving frontline clinicians in the evolution of their workplace information systems is underlined this week in
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SNOMED ‘Highly Unlikely’ to Generate Revenue for NHS

Expected revenues from the NHS’ collaboration on SNOMED Clinical Terms (CT) have not been realised and the financial formula used
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Information Vital to Extending Patient Choice

Health Secretary John Reid has upped the ante on the Government’s patient choice agenda and the electronic appointment booking targets,
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Dr Gwyn Thomas: The NHSIA as a Service Provider

Understanding the complex shifting relationship between the NHS Information Authority and the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) in the NHS
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E-prescribing Arrives for Out-of-Hours GPs

A major step towards electronic prescribing for out-of-hours (OOH) doctors in England has been taken with the launch of new
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