
PSP Arrangements Needed “As Fast As Possible”

Healthcare IT suppliers have delivered a clear message to the government that the new Prime Service Provider (PSP) arrangements need
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Show Power To Deliver, Granger Tells Suppliers

NHS IT Tsar Richard Granger pledged this week that a new procurement strategy will be published in January 2003 and
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Lost Records Steal Doctors’ Time for Patients

Medical consulting time with patients at a London outpatient clinic fell between 1988 and 2001 with lost records accounting for
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iSOFT Buys E-booking Specialist Revive

iSOFT Group Plc, the UK healthcare IT firm, has acquired Revive Group Ltd, a leading supplier of e-booking solutions to
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Carry On Spending and Modernising, Says Brown

Chancellor Gordon Brown has ordered the NHS to carry on with plans for extra spending and modernisation despite shortfalls in
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e-Learning at the Heart of NHS University Plans

The new corporate university for the NHS, to be known as the NHSU, will have no central campus and will
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Newchurch Buys Medidesk from Onmedica

Primary care health IT and consulting firm Newchurch  has announced that it has acquired Medidesk from OnMedica, in a move
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Resource File: Planning for the New Emergencies

The National Audit Office’s recent report on emergency planning found that, while there had been an improvement in the planning
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ComMedica Wins European Innovation Award

Innovative UK-based health IT firm ComMedica’s PIRILIS clinical information software has won the ‘best software Innovation’ category at the European
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Radiometer Launches Blood Gas Website

Danish medical equipment firm, Radiometer AG, have announced the launch of the first website to focus exclusively on blood gas
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